CSBG Programs & Services

MNDC offers an array of programs and services that are funded through Essex County, Division of Community Action; Employment readiness, Housing Counseling, Financial Literacy, Case Management for Emergent Need, Independent Living Support Services, Supplementary Food & Gifts, and Information & Referrals.
Programs and Services
Employment Readiness -Provides Career exploration through job fairs, employment agencies, resume writing, job search skills, and interviewing skills.
Housing Counseling -Provides, rental delinquency counseling, fair housing counseling, referrals to legal aid, and household budget preparation.
Financial Literacy -Provides basic financial information to improve financial skills. Assist with ordering credit reports. Assist consumers with improving credit scores and household budgeting
Case Management for Emergent Need -Provides case management counseling for emergency assistance with rent, utilities, referral for sheltering and/or provide clothing furniture and food.
Independent Living Support Services -Outreach, Advocacy for seniors and disabled individuals, assistance with benefit program applications (LIHEAP, PAAD, SNAP etc.)
Supplementary Food & Gifts -Provides food baskets and gifts to participants during the holidays, Back to School Supplies to low-income families.
Youth After School/Summer Program -Provides after-school tutoring program for low-income youth and Summer programs for low-income youth.
Information & Referral -Provides telephone information and referral services to incoming callers.
CSBG Programs and Services are offered to individuals and families who reside in either Montclair, Bloomfield, and Belleville and must meet income guidelines.
CSBG Programs & Services Information Brochure